The MORE ∞ JOY Philosophy

Embracing Imperfection and Flow

At More Joy, we believe that true joy comes from letting go of the need for perfection and embracing life’s spills, stains, and unpredictable patterns. Each drop of pigment, like each person, has its own path, deserving the freedom to move as it will. My dash-dye method honors this spontaneity, allowing powdered pigments to dance and play joyfully across textiles, creating unique patterns that reflect the individuality of their journey.

Chromatic Kintsugi

Repairing With Color

More Joy is about finding beauty in imperfection. Inspired by the Japanese art of kintsugi, where broken pottery is mended with gold, we see value in the cracks, the mess, and the unexpected. Our Chromatic Kintsugi project invites you to bring your own clothes and create healing by mending them with color, writing your own story as the author of your journey. It’s a personal expression of repairing the self while celebrating the uniqueness that each experience brings.

Chromatic Kintsugi

Where you are both the artist and author of your piece, composing an outfit and writing a piece of healing that connects to your creation.

Faces Of Joy

Where we capture your personal joy through portraits in color and you share a joyful inspirational idea that brings you joy.

CMYK Color Wheel

Where you get to non-verbally sync up with a hue that feels like you and let your body do the talking.

Imperfect Portrait Series

A Journey of Personal Healing

More Joy is a practice of sustainable living, of radically embracing the spills and stains that shape us. I encourage you to explore color in an intuitive way. Spend time with the swatches, feel the pigments, and see which colors speak to what you need in your life. I’ll share insights on color theory, but the journey is yours to navigate.

Join the Faces of Joy project or explore the CMYK Color Wheel to submit your story. These projects allow you to connect with your experience of color, healing, and joy, and contribute to a community that celebrates individual expression.

There is more joy when we stop trying to be perfect—when we surrender to the flow, embrace the beauty of imperfection, and allow our unique patterns to unfold.

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