More ∞ Joy Philosophy

Transforming Textiles, Emotions, and Style

At MORE ∞ JOY, color is more than just a visual element—it’s a powerful tool for personal expression, emotional transformation, and sensory connection. Each color carries its own unique energy, shaping the way we feel, think, and present ourselves to the world. Through our art and fashion, we invite you to explore the transformative power of color as it touches your body and soul.

Fix clothes With Color

The Power of Color in Textiles

Dash Dyeing offers a fluid and intuitive way to spread color across textiles. By letting color move freely, we transform fabrics into unique pieces of wearable art. Our textiles are dyed with a deep understanding of the emotional resonance that each hue brings. Whether you’re drawn to vibrant, fiery tones or calming, cool shades, we believe that the colors you wear should reflect and enhance your inner state. Our sensory-friendly fabrics are designed to not only look beautiful but also feel comforting, as they are made from materials that move softly across the skin.

Chromatic Kintsugi

Where you are both the artist and author of your piece, composing an outfit and writing a piece of healing that connects to your creation.

Faces Of Joy

Where we capture your personal joy through portraits in color and you share a joyful inspirational idea that brings you joy.

CMYK Color Wheel

Where you get to non-verbally sync up with a hue that feels like you and let your body do the talking.

Imperfect Portrait Series

A Journey of Personal Healing

t More Joy, we honor the philosophy of radical sustainability by embracing every splash, stain, and spill—because each one tells a story. We stop trying to control the outcome and instead allow the pigments to flow where they will, just as we allow life to unfold. There’s a sense of liberation in allowing things to be as they are, knowing that beauty often arises from the places we least expect. 

Whether you’re participating in one of our sessions or wearing a piece of clothing, More Joy is about self-expression, embracing the imperfection within, and finding healing and joy through your own journey. It’s an invitation to live in the present, honor the process, and remember that we’re all a blend of patterns, colors, and stories—each one beautiful and essential to the whole.

More joy is possible when we stop striving for perfection and start embracing the journey. Let your colors guide you.

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